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Welcome to HoldMyGlutenFreeBeer

Living an Adventurous Life while Navigating the AutoImmune Disease Maze

We are all told to “live life to the fullest no matter what".  HoldMyGlutenFreeBeer is my determined journey to do just that while living with autoimmune disease... and keeping my sense of humor!  I refuse let these ever-changing, often-frustrating nutritional and physical needs get in my way from making each day an adventure... whether at home or traveling the world!  Please join, add comments and share your own journey with me.  Having a support network makes all the difference!  Being gluten-free won't stop me!!

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Hi! I'm Shannon...just another girl trying to use humor and clean foods to deal with autoimmune disease so I can run head-on into whatever adventure pops up next (hopefully, without tripping). Being gluten-free won't stop me! (Neither will soy, dairy, skin irritations, or, or, Welcome... and thank you!

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I am neither a doctor nor a nutritionist.  My posts are merely my trials, errors, and findings as I deal with the ever-changing effects of living with a weak immune-system and should only be viewed as such.  Always consult your physician regarding the steps you take along your own health journey.

©2019 by HoldMyGlutenFreeBeer.

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