My Gluten-free 'travel kit'

Time to hit the road again with my gluten-free 'survival kit'! #ohsnappickles are always with me on the plane just in case my meal request gets messed up... and they make a great hangover cure the next morning. lol I can find them at my local 7-Eleven and Publix grocery stores in both the dill and spicy flavors (didn't think spicy would be a good idea for being in close quarters on a plane, lol). They are pre-sliced and there is no brine in the bag to spill out and make a mess (plus, without the brine, they get through airport security). :) ... and they go very well with in-flight bloody marys! lol
Yes, I do pack an entire bottle of wine from #boglevineyards in my suitcase... hence the need for a hangover cure. :)
I learned the hard way last year that I can't get #cheetos anywhere near my hotel in Portugal so, this year, I'm bringing my own (Just might need to hide them in the hotel room safe so I don't dig into them late at night after cocktails and leave cheesy fingerprints everywhere).
Pretty much every bag and backpack I own always has a tin of GlutenEase inside for those "just to be safe" moments. Fortunately, coastal Portugal has LOT of naturally gluten-free specialties! Airports on the other hand.... ;)